Ultima modificare: 01 September 2024.


Folder Trim IV 2016


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spreadsheet Fluxuri de Trezorerie (cod 03) Finante 31 12 2016 xlsx (427 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Contul de Rezultat Patrimonial TOTAL 31 12 2016 xlsx (417 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Contul de Rezultat Patrimonial 10 Bugetul institutiilor publice si activitatilor finantate integra 31 12 2016 xlsx (384 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 10 KB)
spreadsheet Contul de Rezultat Patrimonial 02 Bugetul local 31 12 2016 xlsx (427 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Venituri 02 31 12 2016 xlsx (414 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 19 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 84020301 31 12 2016 xlsx (420 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 68021501 31 12 2016 xlsx (430 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 70020501 31 12 2016 xlsx (415 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 68020502 31 12 2016 xlsx (415 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 67020307 31 12 2016 xlsx (432 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 67020330 31 12 2016 xlsx (421 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 67020302 31 12 2016 xlsx (424 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 65020401 31 12 2016 xlsx (420 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 15 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 65020302 31 12 2016 xlsx (403 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 65020301 31 12 2016 xlsx (429 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 13 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 51020103 31 12 2016 xlsx (431 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 15 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 840250 31 12 2016 xlsx (414 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 700206 31 12 2016 xlsx (434 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 670206 31 12 2016 xlsx (405 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 670250 31 12 2016 xlsx (404 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)



Adresa: sat Rosiesti, com. Rosiesti, jud. Vaslui

Telefon: 0235/436610

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Despre comuna Rosiesti


Comuna Rosiesti este situata in partea de centru spre est a judetului Vaslui.
Resedinta comunei, satul Rosiesti, se afla la 38 km de municipiul Vaslui. Satele componente ale comunei sunt: Rosiesti, Valea Lui Darie, Idrici, Idrici de Jos, Gara Rosesti, Rediu si Codreni.

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