Ultima modificare: 27 July 2024.


Folder Trim IV 2016


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spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 650250 31 12 2016 xlsx (345 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 610205 31 12 2016 xlsx (327 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 12 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 540250 31 12 2016 xlsx (336 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 540205 31 12 2016 xlsx (336 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Bilant 31 12 2016 xlsx (315 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 16 KB)
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Cheltuieli 02 31 12 2016 xlsx (337 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 16 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 40b Situatia activelor si datoriilor 31 12 2016 xlsx (321 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 28 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 35b cod 29 SITUATIA ACTIVELOR FIXE NEAMORTIZABILE 31 12 2016 xlsx (329 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 14 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 35b cod 28 SITUATIA ACTIVELOR FIXE NEAMORTIZABILE 31 12 2016 xlsx (313 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 13 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 35a cod 27 SITUATIA ACTIVELOR FIXE AMORTIZABILE 31 12 2016 xlsx (323 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 14 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 34 SITUATIA MODIFICARILOR IN STRUCTURA ACTIVELOR NETE CAPITALURILOR 31 12 2016 xlsx (326 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 11 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 35a cod 26 SITUATIA ACTIVELOR FIXE AMORTIZABILE 31 12 2016 xlsx (329 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 13 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 22 VENITURILE, CHELTUIELILE SI EXCEDENTE ALE BUGETELOR L0CALE PE UNITATI ADMINISTRATIV TERIT 31 12 2016 xlsx (300 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 19 KB)
spreadsheet Anexa 2 Informatii privind soldurile conturilor de venituri si finantari precum si soldurile contu 31 12 2016 xlsx (306 downloads) Popular Download (xlsx, 41 KB)



Adresa: sat Rosiesti, com. Rosiesti, jud. Vaslui

Telefon: 0235/436610

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Despre comuna Rosiesti


Comuna Rosiesti este situata in partea de centru spre est a judetului Vaslui.
Resedinta comunei, satul Rosiesti, se afla la 38 km de municipiul Vaslui. Satele componente ale comunei sunt: Rosiesti, Valea Lui Darie, Idrici, Idrici de Jos, Gara Rosesti, Rediu si Codreni.

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