Ultima modificare: 27 July 2024.


Folder Legea 17-2014


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pdf Oferta vanzare teren si lista preemptori Strat Iancu (307 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 335 KB)
pdf Comunicare acceptare si lista preemtori Vezeteu Nicoleta (323 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 187 KB)
pdf Comunicare acceptare oferta Grigoras Tabacaru (306 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 198 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Grigoras Constantin 2 ha (319 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 163 KB)
pdf Comunicare acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (344 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 182 KB)
pdf Comunicare acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (334 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 173 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Micle Dorina Elena 1 ha (356 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 157 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Micle Dorina Elena 0 63ha (339 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 170 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare si lista preemtori SC Mirba Oil SRL (368 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 674 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare si lista preemtori SC Mirba Oil SRL (379 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 688 KB)
pdf Comincare de acceptare Nica Daniel 3 4493ha (380 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 427 KB)
pdf Comincare de acceptare Nica Daniel 1 1475ha (386 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 427 KB)
pdf Comincare de acceptare Nica Daniel 1ha (376 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 430 KB)
pdf Comincare de acceptare Nica Daniel 0 9964ha (366 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 432 KB)
pdf Comincare de acceptare Nica Daniel 0 4977ha (369 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 431 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Costandache Ion 3 4493ha (369 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 428 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Costandache Ion 1 1478 ha (331 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 429 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Costandache Ion 1 ha (349 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 432 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Costandache Ion 0 9964 ha (342 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 385 KB)
pdf Oferta vanzare teren Costandache Ion 0 4977 ha (355 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 386 KB)



Adresa: sat Rosiesti, com. Rosiesti, jud. Vaslui

Telefon: 0235/436610

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Despre comuna Rosiesti


Comuna Rosiesti este situata in partea de centru spre est a judetului Vaslui.
Resedinta comunei, satul Rosiesti, se afla la 38 km de municipiul Vaslui. Satele componente ale comunei sunt: Rosiesti, Valea Lui Darie, Idrici, Idrici de Jos, Gara Rosesti, Rediu si Codreni.

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