Ultima modificare: 27 July 2024.


Folder Legea 17-2014


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pdf Comunicare de acceptare Postolache Radu (231 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 529 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare Badiu (198 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 456 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare Vidra Pachita (222 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 430 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (217 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 539 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (202 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 544 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (197 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 546 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (221 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 549 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare oferta Nica Daniel (206 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 545 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Climescu Milica (217 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 452 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Climescu Milica (211 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 461 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Chiriac Gelu (206 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 452 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Iordan Alecsandrina (193 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 462 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare Micropronic SRL (194 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 568 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare Micropronic SRL (203 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 563 KB)
pdf Ofertă+listă preemtori Țurcanu Panaite (202 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 439 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Clinescu Milica 0 0387 (197 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 454 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Clinescu Milica 0 2513 (197 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 459 KB)
pdf Comunicare acceptare Popa Gheorghe (256 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 527 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare oferta Bigea Vasile (239 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 515 KB)
pdf Oferta de vanzare teren Onila Viorica 1 ha (220 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 446 KB)



Adresa: sat Rosiesti, com. Rosiesti, jud. Vaslui

Telefon: 0235/436610

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Despre comuna Rosiesti


Comuna Rosiesti este situata in partea de centru spre est a judetului Vaslui.
Resedinta comunei, satul Rosiesti, se afla la 38 km de municipiul Vaslui. Satele componente ale comunei sunt: Rosiesti, Valea Lui Darie, Idrici, Idrici de Jos, Gara Rosesti, Rediu si Codreni.

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