Ultima modificare: 27 July 2024.


Folder Legea 17-2014


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default Ofertă vânzare teren Bagdasar și Crișan (141 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 829 KB)
default Ofertă vânzare teren Bagdasar (121 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 721 KB)
default Ofertă vânzare teren Dulan (120 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 716 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare 2 Agache Dragoș Gabriel (134 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 327 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare 1 Agache Dragoș Gabriel (106 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 329 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare 1 SC POST PRESTCOM SRL (138 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 287 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare 3 SC POST PRESTCOM SRL (112 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 284 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare 2 SC POST PRESTCOM SRL (102 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 287 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare 4 SC POST PRESTCOM SRL (108 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 289 KB)
default Ofertă Artene Constanța (115 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 723 KB)
default Proces verbal etapa I (103 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 221 KB)
default Comunicare de acceptare SC MICROPRONIC SRL 31 08 22 (131 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 332 KB)
pdf Oferta 1 SC E.ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SRL (160 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 656 KB)
pdf Oferta 3 SC E.ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SRL (134 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 647 KB)
pdf Oferta 2 SC E.ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SRL (150 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 643 KB)
pdf Proces verbal de afisare (122 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 418 KB)
pdf Comunicare de acceptare Țurcanu Florinel (158 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 275 KB)
pdf Ofertă 1 vânzare teren Dodre Despina (134 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 715 KB)
pdf Ofertă 3 vânzare teren Dobre Despina (124 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 731 KB)
pdf Ofertă 2 vânzare teren Dobre Despina (130 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 715 KB)



Adresa: sat Rosiesti, com. Rosiesti, jud. Vaslui

Telefon: 0235/436610

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Despre comuna Rosiesti


Comuna Rosiesti este situata in partea de centru spre est a judetului Vaslui.
Resedinta comunei, satul Rosiesti, se afla la 38 km de municipiul Vaslui. Satele componente ale comunei sunt: Rosiesti, Valea Lui Darie, Idrici, Idrici de Jos, Gara Rosesti, Rediu si Codreni.

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