Ultima modificare: 27 July 2024.


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document Tab aplic norme cic 28iun16 (545 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 50 KB)
document OrdMMuncii1099 prel rel ICC iun16 (565 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 89 KB)
document Optiunea 2 2ani (549 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 24 KB)
document Optiunea 1 1an (549 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 28 KB)
document HG 449 2016 norme ICC (550 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 282 KB)
document Cerer prel rel ICC (559 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)



Adresa: sat Rosiesti, com. Rosiesti, jud. Vaslui

Telefon: 0235/436610

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Despre comuna Rosiesti


Comuna Rosiesti este situata in partea de centru spre est a judetului Vaslui.
Resedinta comunei, satul Rosiesti, se afla la 38 km de municipiul Vaslui. Satele componente ale comunei sunt: Rosiesti, Valea Lui Darie, Idrici, Idrici de Jos, Gara Rosesti, Rediu si Codreni.

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